sepoy munity is also known as the first war where independence started in india, when british rule inida from 1857 to 1859.
Federalism refers to a system of government that divides power between member units and a common governing authority; the term can also be used to refer to the theory of or advocacy for this form of government. In the United States, the federal government is the common governing body to which the individual state governments belong.
The term federalist can be used to describe an advocate of a federal form of government. When capitalized, Federalism may refer to support for the historical Federalist Party (one of the two earliest American political parties) and its principles; supporters of this party were called Federalists.
1. sectionalism was the main cause of the civil war. the southern states seceded from the Union because they didn't want President Lincoln to free their slaves.
2. The Southern was devasted because it couldn't its agriculture products to the North or overseas. The Northen economy thrived on its manufacturing
3. the bureau provided assistance to tens of thousands of former slaves and impoverished whites in the Southern States
Free will.
Having free will is the same as having the ability to choose for yourself.