Inventions helped determine the very shape of the West. The telegraph instantly connected Americans across thousands of miles; railroads killed some towns and gave birth to others; the gun quickly established the settlers' dominance over the country; and barbed wire created vast ranching empires.
Being a sharecropper or raising cotton in 1875 in Mississippi is exhausting, demeaning and destroys personal initiative. Being a share cropper might mean that you will have a little something left over for yourself if you have a very good crop. But without good crops, you will have nothing. My family and I work in the fields from sun up to sundown. We don’t own the land we work on. Our owner lets us grow crops on his land and takes a percentage of any profit. Sometimes we make enough money to have enough to eat and clothe ourselves. But it is more often that we just barely scrimp by. We eat what we can grow and on occasion, we can kill a chicken that we have raised. It is not a life you would wish on anyone.
c. Muromachi
During the Muromachi period the arts succeeded, however are not considered as refined as that of before times. Of note is the job of Ikkyū Sōjun, a successor of Shūhō Myōcho at Daitoku-Ji; Ikkyū was instrumental in lifting the appreciation for calligraphy to a key part of the tea ceremony in the fifteenth century.
serve at homeless shelters.