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The place with the lowest precipitation on earth is Arica, a port city in Chile
Coastlines can convert back and forth among various coastal environments due to plate tectonic processes which can cause the land to rise/sink and sea level to increase/decrease: True.
- Plate tectonic is nothing but a process were both continental and oceanic plates starts drifting and converge or diverge with each other.
due to convergence of plate various landforms are formed such as Oceanic tench, fold mountains, volcanoes, etc .
- convrgence could occur between continent-continent , continent-ocean-ocean an continent-ocean plates.
due to divergence of plate boundaries multiple landforms are formed such as volcanoes , mid oceanic ridge , faulting, etc
due to folding and faulting nature, land gets rise or sink.
to know more about fold mountain click here
1. (c) 2. (e) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (f) 6. (b)
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