Meandering caused the two oxbow lakes to be formed.
There are multiple different types of lakes, and the type of a lake is determined by the manner in which it has been formed. One of the lake types is the oxbow lake. This type of lake form from the preexisting meanders of the rivers, and they are located right next to a river, usually being separated by the river by only few meters.
When a river is meandering, which happens in flat terrain where the river is slow, it gradually takes up a snaky shape. This type of shape of the river can only go a certain point, till about 90 degrees angle of curvature. Once this angle is reached, the water starts to erode the sediment as it finds it hard to curl. Over time, the sediment is totally eroded, and the river continues in a straight line, cutting off the water to meandering parts, and separating itself from them. This results in the formation of oxbow lake, which is a bow-like, shallow lake.
Other types of lakes are:
- tectonic
- volcanic
- organic
- glacial
Learn more about the characteristics of a lake
i cant really understand this question but
Crude oil Natural gas Nuclear power Hydro
if thats wrong comment
They found evidence of an impact crater in Mexico
The K-Pg boundary is the boundary that separates two periods, but also two eras. The two periods that are separated by this boundary are the Cretaceous and the Tertiary, while the two eras are the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic. The boundary is marked by a mass extinction, and the scientists started to hypothesize as to why it happened. There were numerous different theories, but a clue in Mexico, or rather right next to the Yucatan Peninsula, shed new light on it. The scientists found an impact crater, formed either by a large asteroid or a comet. Such an impact would have easily caused sudden and drastic changes on the Earth, killing of the majority of the species. This impact released such a big amount of energy that it killed everything in the surrounding area in seconds. On top of that, it caused an extremely hot wave of air across the whole planet, killing many more organisms. It managed to trigger most of the volcanoes to erupt, as well as the earthquakes, causing also very large tsunamis. The sunlight got blocked for quite some time from all the aerosols in the atmosphere as well. This resulted in a mass extinction of the dominant species, like the dinosaurs, but it opened up the terrain for the evolution of the others, like the mammals.
The centre of the low pressure system will move towards Plattsburgh
<h3>Before </h3>
- Listen to weather updates and advisories.
- Keep watch for warnings and plans regarding evacuation in your community.
- Check your house’s condition and make necessary repairs.
- Keep your typhoon kit in an area where you can easily get it in case of emergency.
- Bring your pets and livestock in the designated evacuation area for animals. If not, keep them in a safe place.
- Evacuate immediately once asked by the authorities to do so.
<h3>During </h3>
- Remain calm and stay inside your house or the evacuation center.
- Turn off main switch for utilities like water and electricity.
- Have a flashlight or lamp in hand in case of emergency and loss of electricity.
- Keep away from possible dangers like glass windows.
- Before returning home, wait for authorities to announce that it is safe to go back to your area.
- Keep away from danger.
- structures with damages
- fallen trees
- damaged power lines
3. Give way to rescue and emergency teams.
4. Be extra careful when making repairs at home.
5. Before switching the electricity on, make sure there are no wet or submerged outlets or appliances.
6. Check for possible breeding places for mosquitoes and remove rainwater.