Economic sustainability consumption and development seeks to "get more and improve with much less," by minimizing resource usage, depletion and emissions although growing the standard of living, to maximize net positive externalizes from commercial development and economical benefit.
Activation of the <u>Serotonin </u>neurons of the forebrain would be expected to <u>suppress </u>aggressive attack.
Numerous studies link elevated impulsive and aggressive behaviors with reduced serotonin metabolites. The opposing association has been substantiated by therapies targeted at directly reducing serotonin cell activity, despite the fact that pharmaceutical reduction of serotonin is linked to an increase in aggression.
Furthermore, it is unclear whether any of the relationships observed may be caused by changed serotonin activity during development. Here, we used two Pharmacogenetic techniques to selectively and reversibly decrease the firing of serotonin neurons in behaving animals in transgenic mice.
A persistent reduction in serotonin neuron firing was linked to increased aggression, as demonstrated by conditional over expression of the serotonin 1A receptor (Htr1a) in serotonin neurons.
To learn more about Serotonin here
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
It is the same program...both can be called