b. spatial intelligence
Roland is most likely to score high in the spatial intelligence category. Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to retain, retrieve and transform well-structured images. Therefore, people who have this type of intelligence are able to accurately visualize shapes in their mind, and recall them clearly. This is an important skill for all people, but some people are likely to be more skilled in this area. These include engineers, architects or artists.
The Inca's were the native civilization conquered by the Spaniards.
Hysteria is a psychological state of uncontrollable emotional outburst that can sometimes result in the temporary loss of motor control or cognitive functions. Jean-Martin Charcot and Pierre Janet were study hysteria in humans.
The number of children and adolescents out of school was reduced by half at the World Education Forum, 2000 in Senegal, where the 164 governments agreed on a plan for meeting some key education goals by 2015.
There, the International Community confirmed its dedication to attaining Education For All (EFA) by 2015 via the adoption of the Dakar Framework for Action.
The Dakar Framework for Action comments that the 'heart of EFA lies at country level'. It also claims that 'no countries seriously committed to education for all will be stopped in their achievement of this purpose by a dearth of resources.
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