Answer: option A. adjust the mouse's double-click speed.
You can see it in the attached file.
Option A: It includes letters and numbers.
ASCII is the abbreviation of American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This is a character encoding standard to represent letters (upper case and lower case), numbers and special characters (e.g. & and %). This is an encoding standard which is recognized by all computers that enable the exchange of information between different computers become possible.
For example, an uppercase A is represented as number 65 in ASCII code.
Check the explanation
The above question can be sovled in the below step by step way:
15 can be written as 16-1 = 24 -1
Therefore, 15 *13 = (24 -1)*13
= 13*24 - 13
Now, when we left shift a number we multiply it by 2k .Where k is no of times we left shifted it.
Therefore, 13*24 = shift 13 to left 4 times
15 * 13 = shift 13 to left 4 times and subtract 13 from it.
The program is correct: at the beginning, product = 0. Then, we start summing Y to that variable, and we sum Y exactly X times, because with each iteration we increase Count by 1, and check if Count=X so that we can exit the loop.
See explaination for the code
def wordsOfFrequency(words, freq):
d = {}
res = []
for i in range(len(words)):
if(words[i].lower() in d):
d[words[i].lower()] = d[words[i].lower()] + 1
d[words[i].lower()] = 1
for word in words:
if d[word.lower()]==freq:
return res
First a dictionary is created to keep the count of the lowercase form of each word.
Then, using another for loop, each word count is matched with the freq, if it matches, the word is appended to the result list res.
Finally the res list is appended.