The Renaissance changed the world in just about every way one could think of. ... Behind it was a new intellectual discipline: perspective was developed, light and shadow were studied, and the human anatomy was pored over – all in pursuit of a new realism and a desire to capture the beauty of the world as it really was.
The prices for factor of production depends upon demand and supply of that particular factor of production
Well, I don't know your options but the thing that comes most into my head are the following:
External locus of control
beliefs on personal control
Athens and Sparta were both Greek city-states, but because of the geography and mountainous terrain, the two cities could not unite. Athens was a cultured city filled with music, theatre, art, literature, philosophy, and politics (democracy). Sparta, however, was a kingdom that was totalitarian and militaristic consiting of heavy emphasis on authority and war.
a.One entry creates an estimated returns inventory account.
b.One entry records the sales of goods to customers.
If a customer purchased a product on credit and returns that product for a refund, the business would have to make specific adjustments to its financial statements. The company would first make a debit entry to sales returns and allowances that equals the exact amount of the purchase