Law, morality, law
Law is the basic set of rules and guidelines that act as a tool to regulate the conduct of individuals and businesses in a society. every country and state in the world has its own set of laws that everyone is supposed to follow.
In the video, particular citizens chose to follow their own senses of morality rather than the law in aiding the homeless. In other words, the citizens followed their own idea of morality instead of abiding the laws related to helping the homeless.
Aryan civilization was originated from the region near Indus Valley (currently that region exist in India).
Historians tracked back India's current religious traditions into this civilization. One example of this would be the implementation of Caste system that exist in Aryan civilization and India.
This system separated the citizens into different classes with different status. The highest is held by the religious leaders while the lowest status is held by slaves/servants.
In many ways, the two notions are at odds. Or, at least, mild conflict.
Free Market Capitalism is an economic system understands that some will succeed and others will not. People will be rewarded for their ingenuity and market acumen and bad ideas will be disregarded and rejected.
American Democracy (Democratic-Republic) is defined by citizens banding together to solve common problems, while reserving the right of private property and concepts of liberty.
So, as free market capitalism has expanded in periods of history, Democracy has often taken a hit. As collective Democratic ideals have expanded, free market ideals have declined.
The New Deal is common understood as a retraction of the free market and the expansion of American collective Democracy. We are currently in a period of struggle between free market capitalism and strong collective Democracy. Only time will tell which concept will prevail.
They wanted the Americans off their land
Many American settlers were kicking Indians off their land, and so the Indians saw the British as a way to gain their land back, as well as some degree of independence.
Nowadays, and after fresh water, <em>Sand</em> is the most used natural resource on the planet.
Sand is a loose, fragmented material, comprised of tiny particles of scattered rocks, shells, corals and other minerals.
The most common sand is comprised of <em>quartz</em> and feldspar, which are high in silica content, stuffs used to make glass; and to produce semiconductor silicon chips for microprocessors.
Sand is the raw material used to produce integrated circuits and the glass for contact lenses.
And Sand processing has grown into a multi billion dollar business, turning the role of Sand in our lives widespread farther away our beloved beaches.