The North Atlantic Current makes Norway very cold
The northern equatorial current rises at the height of the Cape Verde islands and is clearly perceived between 5 and 10o north latitude. It heads west, joining the warm stream of the Guianas from the southern hemisphere in northern South America. The resulting current penetrates the Antilles Sea, crosses the straits between the mainland and the islands, and acquires great speed. Part of the waters of this stream flow south of the islands; a small portion penetrates the Gulf of Mexico and forms a whirlwind; and most of them head to the strait between Cuba and Florida, where the Gulf Stream begins.
Of the various branches into which the Gulf Stream is divided, the northern and the southern ones stand out. The southern branch goes to the Azores and Spain, sends swirls to the gulf of Gascony and a branch to the Mediterranean through Gibraltar.
The northern branch, which is the most important because it has a major influence on the climate of northwestern Europe, carries waters that are a mixture of those of the Gulf and Labrador current. It heads into the Norwegian Sea and sends a branch to southern Iceland. On its way, it passes through the British Isles, the coast of Norway, penetrates the Barents Sea and borders the southwest of the Svalbard (Spitzbergen), where its tepid waters mingle with the cold and unsalted Greenland current, which from the north , runs along the coast of this island. The northern branch, when entering the Norwegian Sea, has a temperature of 8 ° C and, at the exit, 1 ° C.