<span>The appropriate response is hydrogen bonds. It is a feeble bond between two particles coming about because of an electrostatic fascination between a proton in one atom and an electronegative iota in the other. Intermolecular hydrogen holding is in charge of the high breaking point of water (100 °C) contrasted with the other gathering 16 hydrides that have significantly weaker hydrogen bonds.</span>
a polymer is a large unit comprised of monomer
Anaphase because the chromosomes are moving away (Ana- Away)
La escreción ye un procesu fisilóxicu, que-y dexa al organismu esaniciar sustances de refugaya tóxicos pal cuerpu, calteniendo asina n'equiliburu la composición de la homeostasis y otros fluyíos corporales.
Predictions about the future based on the position of planets is an example of astrology.