Selection stands for the initial assessment of a candidate in an organization before he is offered a job. In includes several steps like the organization details the KSAOs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and other criteria) required for the job; evaluation of a candidate over those criteria; and making an offer to the selected candidate.
Initial assessment methods stand for the starting ways through a candidate or an applicant is screened and shortlisted by the organization which includes ways like- application blanks, biographical information, and reference and background check. These three initial assessment methods are similar to each other in a way that when an organization starts its selection procedure, it reviews the applications of the candidates who all have applied for the particular position in the organization; after the screening and verification of the application form, the organization checks the biographical information of the candidate which becomes a part of application form; and finally the organization conducts a reference and background check to ensure that the candidate has given complete and true information and has not been involve din criminal or unethical actions in his past.
On the other hand, the differences in the three initial assessment methods- application blanks, biographical information, and reference and background check could be that in application blank, the candidate has to furnish his background and work experience details; while in biographical information, the organization checks and verifies it with the details furnished by the candidate in the application form; and when it comes to reference and background check, the organization performs thorough background check of the candidate before offering job to him. This way the three initial assessment methods are similar and different from each other.
If the money supply is increased. individuals would have more money and consumption would increase. Increase in consumption would lead to a rise in demand.
when demand exceeds supply, prices rise,
When there is a rise in price, it encourages producers to increase production in order to increase their profit margin.
In order to expand production, more factors of production would be needed. So, more labour would be hired. thus, unemployment would fall.
it can be seen that higher inflation lowers unemployment