According to the A functionalist perspective on the rise of education , the rise of education only occurs because society needs more people with high education to be able to operate.
But this perspective is overly simplistic.
There are a lot of cases that proof that people without a degree can do a certain task better compared to people with a degree, since expertise tend to be determined by how much time you put on one single thing rather than learning various skills on surface level.
Sharp rise on educational requirements can be explained better if we put industrialization into factor.
HR workers tend to put high education as requirement to help them filter out candidates that they need. They do this to make their job easier rather than having to test all applicants one by one. When this happen, it create a situation where younger generations tend to seek higher education in order to be considered as a candidate rather than focusing on actually having the proper skill set.
It is known as Idealism.
In philosophy, idealism is aimed to assert the fundamental reality that humans commonly face as we know it.
This type of view tend to not really popular because the majority of us often prefer to hear comforting lies rather than have to face the cruel reality that exist in our society/environment.
How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences
Explanation:How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentencesHow did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences How did John betray Richard when Richard was captured and held prisoner? *Please write using complete sentences
Answer: Do this yourself using your resources.
Explanation: Come on! Nobody is going to work this hard for you if you're not willing to work for yourself. You definately won't learn anything and risk being ill-informed forever.
Use your recources, your book, a writing lab, your teacher, anything!!!
People want to help you. Nobody wants to do it for you.