Operons are cluster of coordinated genes, including structural genes, an operator gene, and a regulatory gene.
In the The repressible operons, The transcription is usually on and repressor is in inactive form, So the specific genes are transcribed. While a regulatory molecule act as corepressor and binds to repressor protein to activate it. The repressor protein cause the inactivation of repressible operon (as the name indicate). E.g., Tryptophan Repress the trp operon.
A high level of product act as regulatory molecule (Corepressor) and turn off the operon, So anabolic pathways or synthesis of essential components are controlled by repressible operon.
In the Inducible operons, the transcription is usually off and repressor is in active form. So there is no transcription of genes. Specific Metabolite cause the activation of operon e.g lactose cause the induction of lac operon.
As a metabolite induces the operon, So they control the Metabolic pathways or breakdown of a neutrient.
Serious systemic fungal infections and parasitic infections usually only develop in individuals who are immunocompromised. These individuals have a weak immune system. The body cannot respond quickly to infections since their immunity is not very well developed.
Digestion, Absorption, Circulation, Diffusion, Synthesis.
Digestion begins as soon as you put food in your mouth and begin chewing it, so it is the first step. Absorption happens when food is converted into substances that can be absorbed by your GI tract. Circulation is where those nutrients are circulated in your lymphatic and circulatory system (blood). Diffusion moves oxygen through your blood stream where it gets diffused. S<span>ynthesis converts nutrients that have been diffused and absorbed in your blood. </span>
The answer would be, if I understand correctly, skeletal and smooth muscle tissue both help the body move, and give the body form. The skeletal structure give the body structure, and the muscles help the body move.