A. Basically a hotspot forms above a mantle plume. A mantle plume is like a bit of magma from the earths mantle, but it’s like not near tectonic plate boundary things. (Sorry if that doesn’t make sense lol if you’re still confused I’d just look up a diagram of a hotspot)
B. A stratovolcano, those are just volcanos that are built with a bunch of lava and ash
C. Mt. Helens is formed on a subduction plate boundary, while a hotspot is formed because of mantle plumes, which are usually not on a plate boundary.
Hope this helps lol
Except for the interactions between atoms....
Our star—the Sun—is a bubbling, boiling ball of fire. See Picture 1 to the right. It constantly belches out great clouds of hot gas. This gas is all charged up with electricity, too. This stuff travels at astounding speeds, some of it right toward Earth! This means that Earth’s weather happens inside the Sun’s weather!
Thank goodness Earth’s magnetic field (see Picture 2) and atmosphere protect us from most of this blast. Otherwise, the Sun’s weather would be OUR weather. Yikes!
However, we are still affected by the Sun’s atmosphere and its violent activities. We call this part of our weather “space weather,” because it comes to us through space from the Sun.
The papaya, especially the green one, is used as a tenderizer in boiling red meat. This is because of the property of papaya's skin and leaves contain enzymes called papain. When this papain get contact to red meat the connecting tissue of the meat easily breaks down
When it comes to the environment and the oceans ecosystem whales help regulate the flow of food by helping to maintain a stable food chain and ensuring that certain animal species do not overpopulate the ocean.