Tasks that involve identification of an object would be expected to activate neurons of the <u>ventral stream</u>, while tasks that identify the location of an object would activate the <u>dorsal stream</u>.
The visual information is transferred to the temporal lobe from the primary visual cortex through the pathway of a ventral stream. The ventral stream conveys information related to object form and recognition.
The ventral stream is used for vision perception, while the dorsal stream is used for vision action.
The action and recognition of the location of the objects in space is carried out by dorsal stream. The dysfunction of the dorsal stream may lead to complexity of a visual scene and reduced visual perceptions.
1. Henry Ford
3 Sears
5 Alfred Sloan
6 model T
The crusades helped to solidify Europe as a colonial power, uprooted traditional.governmental systems, forced Christianity on many indigenous people, and allowed the Church and the kings an unbalanced control throughout Europe over both the political and economic well-being of the continent.
There was a clash of cultures between the Native Americans and the White Settlers. As a result, the Native Americans felt that the white settlers were ruining the earth and the settlers distrusted and feared the Natives. 2) Manifest Destiny resulted in the white settlers taking over the land.
there was indeed a clash
Brazil is a peaceful place for all the people in the country. No one had independence or to leave the place. When the revolutionary happens, some of the people left the country and some people had independence.