C. Job specialization
Employees boredom is one of the disadvantages of job specialization
Job specialization: This can be defined as a situation where an employee focuses on a particular skills or job position in order to become an expert.
Job specialization is as a result of division of labor. Division of labor is the sharing of roles or functions among employees in a firm so as to Improve productivity.
When a particular role is assigned to an employee for a long period of time, the employee becomes an expert as a result of that.
Advantages of job specialization
• Workers produce more when they occupy a specific role.
• Job specialization leads to time saving in production because employees have become masters in their role
• More expertise is developed through job specialization
Disadvantages of job specialization
• Continuous performance of a particular role might lead to boredom of the employee
• There is fear of job security for the workers. They often wonder what will happen if a firm finds a replacement for them.
Managers must ensure that their individual goals and work - as well as that of their direct reports - is in line with the overarching strategy. Then, you can ensure that your people are driving progress daily. Proper strategic alignment ensures the work of your best talent is being effectively and efficiently utilized
c. News has no effect on stock prices.
A foreign exchange market can be defined as a type of market where the currency of a country is converted to that of another country. For example, the conversion of the United States of America dollars into naira, rands, yen, pounds, euros, etc., at the foreign exchange market.
Efficient market school is the market school which argues that forward exchange rates do the best possible job for forecasting future spot exchange rates, so investing in exchange rate forecasting services would be a waste of time because it is impossible to have a consistent alpha generation on a risk adjusted excess returns basis as market prices are only affected by new informations.
The efficient market school also known as the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is a hypothesis which states that, asset (share) prices reflect all information and it is very much impossible to consistently beat the market. Also, forward exchange rates are exchange rates controlling foreign exchange transactions at a specific future date or time.
According to the efficient market hypothesis, News has an effect on
the prices at which a stock is sold because it affects demand and supply.
Technology has been very useful for the education. Teachers have found ways in order for technology to be more beneficial rather than detrimental to students. The use of televisions for certain classes allows the students to properly visualize the topics. Also, social media have been grounds for teachers to share their materials to the students and students to their co-students.
Archer has been using BMW's marketing Web site. This is a <u>true</u> statement.
A website is a collection of web pages that provides content related to the search. Many businesses have separate website for featuring and selling their product.
In the above scenario, Stephanie was surfing marketing website of the BMW Company. She wishes to purchase a BMW convertible car. So she was saving money to purchase it. Stephanie spent many hours on the BMW website to study about the various options and models available in the car. She was also choosing the interior and exterior colors of the car.