1.1 Starch is used as a storage of energy as its small and insoluble. fats and oils are also a storage in plants usually in seeds amino acids are used to form proteins cellulose is used in the reinforcement and creation of the cell wall
1.2 Glucose is used in respiration in plants
2.1 the subcellular structures are called Chloroplasts which contain thylakoids which contain chrophyll pigments used for photosynthesis
2.2 Carbon dioxide = water ===> glucose = oxygen
2.3 Energy is transferred from the environment during photosynthesis. energy is required as light in the light dependent stage of photosynthesis and this is gained from the sun in the environment around the plant
It causes eutrophication which means that the algae have too much nutrients and take over the pond, use the oxygen so there is not enough left for marine life, which die as a result.