Common examples of physical contaminants include hair, bandages, fingernails, jewelry, broken glass, metal, paint flakes, bone, the body parts of pests, or pest droppings.
organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria or chloroplast
Genetics comes with birth and is from previous ancestors. It's genetic code, also known as DNA. You are born with your genetics inherited from your parents.
Education is not among the top sources of stress for Americans according to the American Psychological Association. The American Psychological Association is an organization that represents psychologists in the United States. The APA researches various matters like abortion, human rights, detainees and so on. In 2010, the APA conducted a survey on stress and their findings include there is high stress in America; self-care isn’t a priority and lack of will power and concludes that work, health, and money are the top sources of stress in America.