enhanced for loop
Enhanced for loop is an improve concept about loops, this features was implemented in Java SE 5.0 version, this method simplify the For structure. For example:
for (int i = 0; i <array.length; i ++) {
System.out.print (array [i]);
Enhanced for loop
for (String element : array) {
I disagree and I will tell you why because there was study based on video games and seniors and the theory was that they play games to keep there minds active. I will give you an example let's say you were in a situation and you learned how to make or create something from playing video games, in closeur video games can help us in problems
Given, v=9V P= 7W
I =7/9
Also, time(t) from 9am to 12pm is 3hrs
Converting into sec =3×3600
Q= 7/9 ×10800
Q =8400C
Answer: Option (A) & (D) are correct.
Layer 2 switch is commonly referred to as a type of network or device switch that tends to work on data link layer and use MAC addresses in order to determine the route through which the frames are forwarded.
An IDS known as intrusion detection system is commonly referred to as a device or application that controls a network for malevolent activity and its policy violations.