Superego is our sense of right and wrong! (So therefore, our morality)
If I understand correctly that you're speaking of France, then the formation of National Assembly has effectively brought an end to the Estates-General.
Before, all three states (the Estates-General) needed to be taken into account, but the National Assembly (mostly composed of the third state, the common people) later was the only organisation needed,abolishing the need for the other estates to congregate
The trial court focus on presentation of the evidence and examination of the witnesses while appellate courts there are no any kind of witnesses.
In trial court, both sides of the groups present the evidence to show the version of them to the court of what happened. Most of evidence which are presented in trial court comes from the witnesses and exhibits.
On the other side, in appellate courts, witnesses are not there, and any kind of the evidence is not presented. In the appellate courts, lawyers simply argue the legal and the policy issues before judges.