A mysterious story in which Peter Winn receives a letter, delivered to his country house, demanding money. The theme, which is fear can be manipulative, takes place when Peter receives a third letter from the pigeon fancier and both his sisters house and part of his country house get destroyed. in the end, Peter Winn's son goes out in his monoplane and flies over shores, trees, and hills to get to the pigeon fanciers home.
This is the answer that i got. Benvolio<span>, Tybalt ..... Tale is of Arcite and Palamon, </span>friends<span> who fall in love with a woman, Emily, and battle for her hand.</span>
Answer: 1 after a long delay; at last; eventually. 2 at the end or final point; lastly. 3 completely; conclusively; irrevocably.
In the 1830s, the philosophy of Transcendentalism arose in New England. Some of its most famous adherents, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, are still regarded as leading American thinkers today.
Explanation nothing
Answer:it is B
Explanation:An intensive pronoun is something that uses myself, hi self, yourself, herself stuff like that