The main difference between the salary and hourly calculator is that the salary calculator is paid to an employee on the basis of an annual amount that is known as salary and hourly calculator is based on the hourly payment. This is the basic difference between the salary and hourly calculator. For a salaried employee, the number of hours worked in a month can vary without affecting the total salary fixed. In case of hourly calculated payment, the number of hours worked has a direct impact on the payment received. If the number of hours worked is less then the hourly calculated payment will also be less.
1. command
2. socialism
3. communism
1. Communist countries usually have command economies.
2. A command economy that still allows private property and ownership is called a socialism.
3. A command economy in which the government controls everything is called communism.
Calculating volumes by water displacement is always more accurate than using mathematical formulas when the objects have irregular shapes or it is difficult to measure them exactly. The only thing that you must keep in mind is measuring the water displacements properly. One ml of water equals 1 cm³, so if the water level increased by 5 ml, then the object's volume is 5 cm³.
<span>The product price and the average total cost determines the profit. If a company is charging a higher price than the per-unit cost, then they are earning a profit on that item. If they increase the price with everything else remaining constant, their profit increases. The opposite happens when they lower the price, all else held constant.</span>
I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is the second option. The two <span>participating countries were benefited by global trade in terms of </span><span>economic growth in both the countries. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.</span>