The answer is yes. John Locke considered the father of modern liberalism, considered that citizens have rights to which they can not renounce, his ideas exerted influence in the writing of the great statements of human rights of the eighteenth century. Another influence was that of Rousseau's Enlightenment. The first declarations were made in the English colonies of North America. In Europe the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was proclaimed in Paris. The American and French declarations are very important in the history of human rights.
Licoln knew that he could not prevent the war, but he insisted that the Confederacy must fire the first shot. Afree the bombardment began US ship was sent to evacuate Fort Summer , but it was unable to do so.
In short Licoln strategy was to make no aggresive moves toward the south until after the fort had been fired upon thus giving the union the moral high ground ^-^
they acted as a barrier to further settlement to the west