The US proved that it had the industrial strength and man power to become a world power
d) A biblioteca de Nínive
e) O sistema de correios
A biblioteca de Nínive e o sistema de correios são os dois projetos que não são realizados durante o reinado de Dario I. O sistema de correios foi iniciado e concluído durante o reinado da Assíria, iniciado de 550 aC a 521 aC, enquanto a biblioteca de Nínive foi construída durante o reinado de Assurbanipal, cujo reinado começou de 668-627 aC.
Think about that expression -- crossroads of culture. The early West was something of a plethora of human beings, with people of all breeds and flavors a) travelling, such as the Mormon (Latter-day Saint) pioneers, b) going for gold (Gold Rush), c) running a business, etc. Another factor to consider is that the pioneers (the Mormons) had their numbers bolstered by people from England, Ireland, Scotland, throughout the US and other places, in consequence of missionary efforts by the Latter-Day Saint Church, and in response to the call of their prophet to "gather to Zion." With that amalgamation of people it's not hard to see why, at least in the early settlements, it's called a "crossroads of culture," due to the hundreds of types of variety present. Of course, other immigrants and families moved to the west other than the Mormons. I don't mean to imply the Mormons were alone in their endeavor.