The 2nd-century Church FatherTertullianwrote that “the blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church,” implying that the martyrs’ willing sacrificeof their lives leads to the conversionof others. Relics of the saintsare still revered in the Catholicand OrthodoxChurches.
Among the earliest inventions were the abacus, the sundial, and the Kongming lantern. The Four Great Inventions,the compass, gunpowder, papermaking, and printing – were among the most important technological advances, only known to Europe by the end of the Middle Ages 1000 years later.
Williams and his followers settled on Narragansett Bay, where they purchased land from the Narragansett Indians and established a new colony governed by the principles of religious liberty and separation of church and state. Rhode Island became a haven for Baptists, Quakers, Jews and other religious minorities
Answer: The North wanted to block the spread of slavery. They were also concerned that an extra slave state would give the South a political advantage. The South thought new states should be free to allow slavery if they wanted. as furious they did not want slavery to spread and the North to have an advantage in the US senate.