Slaves as cargo to be transported to the Americas as quickly and cheaply as possible, there to be sold to work on coffee, tobacco, cocoa, sugar, and cotton plantations, gold and silver mines, rice fields, the construction industry, cutting timber for ships, as skilled labour, and as domestic
Hellenistic religion is a religion that Mediterranean first practiced through 300 BC to AD 300.
The friends who got food poisoning all ate at the same
restaurant for dinner, while the friends who did not get food
poisoning did not.
Food poisoning is basically contaminated food. The main cause of food poisoning is bacteria. It is estimated that there are over 250 bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Correlation is the act of something have a causative relation with an effect.
Answer:The charter was revoked in 1684, and two years later all the New England colonies were united into the Dominion of New England. A new charter was issued in 1691 that joined the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Plymouth Colony, and the Maine Colony as the Province of Massachusetts Bay and placed it under a royal governor.
Explanation :hope i am right