<em>b. wildfires</em>
<em>b. magnified the greenhouse effect</em>
The first blank is pretty simple; if lightning (electricity) strikes something flammable, like a forest, a fire is sure to ensue. This fire will obviously spread to the other trees and cause a massive wildfire.
The second blank is the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is said to have caused our warming climate, which makes sense because heat from the sun gets trapped in our global "greenhouse", or the lower atmosphere. Lower atmosphere is key here because a large event like a massive wildfire can add some more heat to the atmosphere and contribute to this effect. A wildfire may seem like a minor event on a global scale, but it will do more damage to the atmosphere than you think!
A dense growth of plant life in a aquatic ecosystem which many animals living there die(due to lack of enough oxygen present in water) and the ecosystem gets completely disrupted.
Eutrophication excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to run-off from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life.
If a planet is considered habitable it means that the planet has all the conditions necessary to support life ,these conditions can be the presence of oxygen
C. Cutting down forests.
Carbon dioxide is an inorganic gaseous molecule with the chemical formula, CO2. It is naturally released into the atmosphere via a lot of processes. However, CO2 is the most important greenhouse gas as it contributes the most to the global warming effect of the Earth.
The effects of an increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is as follows:
- increase in water contamination and floods
- ocean acidification
- reduction of cold-related deaths
However, the cutting down of forests is not an effect of an increase in CO2 concentration but rather a cause.