The answer is: c. Adding external CSS is a good practice for various reasons, including code organization.
External CSS improves maintainability in code.
Internal CSS has precedence over external CSS, it means that internal will overwrite external CSS, but abuse of internal CSS often makes hard to maintain HTML code on a large website.
Furthermore, it is much easier to modify one CSS(external) file that can impact multiple web pages than go into every HTML page and modify your styles per page. Many sites have hundred or more pages, go through each one wouldn't be productive.
Lg fortune network unlocking is a method through which lg fortune can be used with any network or provider
When Any Network (e.g At&t, Cricket etc.) launched any smart phone (e.g lg fortune) they barricade their devices with a unique code, This blockade can be removed through sim network unlock pin. The only way to get it, is the phone`s imei which is also unique of each and every phone/tablet.
When you order it by sending the imei to a legitimate source like, They process it & derived a 100% working Lg Fortune unlock code. It safely unlock your Cricket Devices in skillful manners without damaging it. You can also get it from any cell phone shop.
The following code is written in Java, the function takes in a list with the previous day's values. The function then uses that list, loops through it and multiplies each individual value by 2 and returns the modified list. The first red square represents the test case for the function, while the second red square in the image represents the output.
public static ArrayList<Integer> doubleIt(ArrayList<Integer> mylist) {
for (int x = 0; x<mylist.size(); x++) {
mylist.set(x, mylist.get(x)*2);
return mylist;
LEDs are powered by alternating current AC.
The electricity will move in and out of cycles.
When the FPS won't math it'll flicker. Try switching to your camera's shutter speed instead. ( May be times your camera won't support it.)