The correct answer for the given question is an option(b) i.e java.
Java is an object oriented programming language that is mostly used for the creating the websites.Java is most secure and reliable programming language than the other programming language.
C is a programming language but it is not object oriented programming language thats why this option is incorrect.
Visual basic is a Programming language it is also used to create a web page but it is not commonly used to create a web page thats why this option is incorrect.
The scheme is not used to create a web page thats why this option is also incorrect.
Option A:
<input name="name" id="id" type="number" value="value" step="value" min="value" max="value" />
Spinner control is a graphical control element where user can adjust the value by pressing up or down arrow button. An example is given in the attached image.
In HTML, one of the key attributes we must use to create a spinner control is "step". The attribute "step" is required to specify the interval of the step value when user press the up or down arrow button.
If we set the attribute values as follows:
- type = "number"
- value = 2
- min = 0
- max = 10
The setting above will give a spinner control with a range of legal numbers between 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
The answer is Clip Art
Clip art is a collection of pictures or images that are either built-in or can be imported into a document. These pictures may either be vector graphics or raster graphics. Clip art gallery is typically organized into categories such as objects, people, nature, and many more. They can be anywhere between a few images to thousands of them.
Three serving utensils
A website is a collection of web pages. These web pages are created with web development tool like HTML, CSS, Javascript and other web tools. A web page is made of a header, a body and a footer.
The header contains introductory elements like a logo, main topic, menu or navigation bar etc.
The self service salad bar in the question is represented by a navigation bar. The navigation bar contains the salad bar menu which are "fresh greens mixture", "vegetable" with a dropdown menu of two vegetable types and "salad dressing" with a dropdown menu of four salad dressing types.
All these makes three menus or utensils in the salad navigation bar.
Launch is not a characteristic of malware.