<h3>this is not any questions please ask question clearly </h3>
Research shows that beginning intervention with the developmentally delayed child at an early age produces effective results in terms of developmental progress in all areas of development such as motor, language, social, cognitive, and self- help skills.
"The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties, the Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power."
I got this from a quizlet:) Check it out/reply if you need anything else.
How does one's own body betray a person? Winston means involuntary movements a person might make from bottling up so much emotional and intellectual tension for so long. He once witnessed a man with a contorted face walking by. His expression was involuntary but Winston surely knew the man would be killed.
hope it helps
A recent poll of 91 historians of US presidents gave a rating of the top 44 presidents who have alternately ruled the United States from George Washington to Barack Obama.
This is a ranking of the five best presidents of the United States of America, according to the opinion of the historians participating in the poll:
1st place: Abraham Lincoln (1865-1861)