He is adventurous and kind, warm-hearted and looks out for others.
Hmm Tumble Books
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you have too sight the last name of the author and the page number whether it is a quote or paraphrased. the only time you don't have to is if you include it in the sentence.
Example for when you don't have to cite in text:
On page 13 Martin says, "blah blah bah bluh bleh blah"
... otherwise just put the citation in parentheses after the quote/paraphrase like so: (Martin,13)
I interpreted it as what one sees in mainstream media affects their perspective of the world since as they begin to consume more of it by watching television or movies they unconsciously identify what they see as the societal norm. So for example, people constantly make jokes about how high school is nothing like the movies. The mass majority only expected the movies to hold truth however because in myriads of young adult movies they would see teenagers go to parties, have sex, sneak out the house, and other things a like which normalized those actions. So essentially when someone views media that portrays consistent stereotypes of a particular group, some may tend to associate it with real life.
Yes, in one way, the essay makes you think of the strength of human spirit when it endures severe situations.
James Baldwin “Notes of a Native Son” refers to racial issues in America. The topic of the story shows how Baldwin goes through a cycle of events. He contemplates the death of his stepfather, his youngest sister’s birth, his nineteenth birthday, and race problems in Harlem. The events and the way they presented makes Baldwin wonder about the spirit of human nature and what it needs to endure to live by.
Baldwin explores the bitterness and suffering of black Americans while remembering his father’s mental health. Baldwin thinks he can inherit the paranoia that affected his father and questions himself the way trauma is passed through generations.