Marco Polo was the trader that traveled from Venice, Italy to China and brought back information about Asia. Marco Polo was a Venetian merchant traveler. His father was the person from whom he learned the ways of mercantile trade. He did travel to China but he was not the first person. he made a detailed description in his books.
The Missouri Plan is a method for choosing judges. It was founded in 1940 (Missouri,) and many states have adopted it. Other countries have even used similar methods. Under the Plan, an un- baised court, composed of citizens and lawyers, looks over different candidates to fill a judicial vacancy. By having a group of people choose who will fill the spot, and using their conclusion to decide who will fill the position,you have a combination of appointment, and election.
I hope this is what you were looking for!
Currently, 93 percent of sewage finds its way to ponds, lakes, and rivers without treatment. ... India's largest cities have centralized sewage systems, complete with underground pipes, pumping stations, and treatment plants.
A terracotta camel found during early digs stands as the most complete find of its kind and facsimiles of the piece currently decorate the gateway to the Sharjah Archaeological Museum. Other finds from the site include items imported from Iran, Iraq and Yemen and indicate extensive trading links.
if this helps you,please mark my answer as brainliest