Republic means the head of the state is an elected person
Antietam was fought on <span>September 17, 1862 and it</span> was the Battle that proved to be the bloodiest day in American history. 23,000 casualties in only 12 hours.
Definition: "feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly." this perfectly describes Elena's feeling toward her friend.
Classes is a process in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories.
Class separate some set of people from the other, those who are of high class often have access to various things which include education, good placement in employment, good and quality schools for their children where they could learn. The low class set of people often manage the amenities provided by government and what they could afford themselves.
Classes brings about a difference among people of a group, though they have equal right to a thing it is the person who is dim fit that takes the opportunity.
We all have the right to speak when cheated, we can go to court to file a law suit but not everyone has the knowledge of what the court can do and some are constantly cheated without help.
A political appointment can only be given to the knowledgeable which means some class will have the opportunity while some wouldn't
I think the answer is the judicial branch, they determine if the laws are constitutional or not