While living in the city has its bad points, the good ones can outweigh them.
Sequent sentences, those “ambivalent” feelings are further exemplified as conflicted feelings, as shopping is said to be something that “[m]any relish”. (lines 10-11) and “many dread ...
Hope that help
Vain - conceited, too proud (especially of one's looks)
Three things that Frederick Douglas was deprived of as a child and his audience thinks every child should have are:
The presence of his mother: his master separated him from his mother just after his birth. Because of this, he did not develop familiar feelings towards his mother. He said that, when he knew she had died, she felt the same as if a stranger would have died.
Freedom: He explains how unnatural slavery is and the means by which slave owners distort social bonds and the natural processes of life in order to turn man into slaves.
Sense of personal history: By removing a child from his immediate family, slaveholders destroy his support network and the sense of belonging.