goods and services
The economy operates through two main sides, producers and consumers.
Producers are the owners of factories and businesses that produce goods and services for sale for profit. Consumers, according to their taste and needs, are the demanders of goods and services.
For example, you consume cell phone (it's a good) and do sports classes (service). The company and the sports teacher are the offerers.
Quality time to me means paying attention to the other person with little distractions and maybe watching a movie or playing a game with that person.
When it comes to talking about things unless you think the person should know I would honestly say you don't have to tell them unless it's something involving cheating, lying, or anything big.
-you can save money
- less pollution
A rise in society's population that is concentrated primarily in major cities is known as Urbanization.
Urbanization may occur both from the population shift from rural to urban residency as well as by population growth within the cities and can be understood as the the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas as opposed to rural areas.
1. b. executive agencies
2. c. the president's cabinet
3. a. appointment of friends
4. d. interactions