The major cause of tension was the fact that the Anglo settlers didn't care much for Mexican laws or Mexican culture and just wanted to get their independence. For example, Catholicism was the only religion allowed in Mexico and they practices what they wanted. They didn't even want to learn Spanish or do anything similar.
Answer: rally international support to defeat the terrorist threat.
Answer:3rd party Boston tea party
The Federalists believed that American foreign policy should favor British interests, while the Democratic-Republicans wanted to strengthen ties with the French. The Democratic-Republicans supported the government that had taken over France after the revolution of 1789.
Examples: Hamilton & Jefferson
Hamilton and the Federalists wanted a strong central government, run by well-educated property owners. Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans wanted most power to stay with the states and wanted the farmers and the 'common man' to run the nation.
Answer: Prohibition period from the early 1920s.
Many examples throughout history have had both positive and negative effects on society. Prohibition is one of the better examples. If alcohol were banned in the United States today, for example, there would be a "boom" of the country's black market. Alcohol would be made illegally and distributed on the black market. A positive response would be a reduction in the rate of violence and crime, given that a certain percentage of crime is linked to alcohol.
The Prohibition Period, however, proved to be a failed experiment in American history. The black market has risen sharply, and certain criminal groups have profited greatly. That profit is at the expense of the state since it is not legal. The ban creates a grey economy which badly affects the regular economy of the state.