The moment I stepped into the house, I immediately felt that somthing was amiss. Everything was too quiet my loud siblings nowhere in sight. I could understand why my motherwas missing, she was at work but I had two loud siblings which meant i always came home to a messy house and loud arguments. Now that I thought of it something didn't smell right either. The smell of somthing rotten was floating in theair and the farther I stepped into the house the stronger it got.
I can't write you a whole sorry unfortunately but I hope you can work with this.
Answer: Is this a paragraph from an expository essay on a topic of our choice?
It would be D) tail.
Tail is spelled wrong for that usage of the word. The corrected sentence would be: 'covered with fur to the tip of its coarse, scaley tail.' Makes sense?
The prepositional phrase in the sentence is A. to the party.
Dr. King's "I have a Dream" speech was so moving because the way he conveyed the speech's message through powerful gestures and diction was inspiring