Cyrus McCormick built the mechanical reaper
- War hero
- Related to the public (man of the people)
- Strongest personality (was popular and well liked because of this)
Las invasiones británicas del Río de la Plata fueron una serie de intentos fallidos británicos en la actual Argentina y Uruguay de tomar posesión de áreas en el Virreinato colonial español del Río de la Plata que estaban situadas alrededor del Río de la Plata en América del Sur. Como parte de las Guerras Napoleónicas, entre 1806 y 1807, las invasiones tuvieron lugar cuando España era aliada de la Francia napoleónica.
The lasting effect of religious missionaries in Africa is that they spread Christianity. They established hospitals, clinics and offered modern medicine. They introduced European system of management and styles of dress. The Missionaries opened schools. Also training colleges too. They paved the way for the improvement of agriculture through establishing farms where new crops and better methods of farming and equipment were introduced. Furthermore, the missionaries fought slave trade. They also destroyed local industries like craft industries which were replaced with European products. Moreover, some African religions were lost to Christianity.