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This answer is most definitely true. True true true true
In order to answer this question, one must think about the time period. This is long before women had jobs outside of the home. They were expected to care for the home and the children, take care of the needs of their husband, and be seen, not heard. Keeping those characteristics in mind and reading through all the answers, the only logical answer would be the first one: In the 1800s, women were expected to be submissive to men (do what they are told to do by the man), and Nora was discovering that Helmer has taken advantage of that.
Usually the hook at the beginning or the thesis at the end. hope this helps :)
In both a powerful discourse and an influential paper you are trying to convince your gathering of people to agree with your disagreement. One difference would clearly be that in one your are writing and in the other you are talking which implies you may have an alternate gathering of people between the two. Another disagreement would be that when writing a paper you can incorporate more weakness and describe while the conversation includes more visual models.
Hope you understand