The correct answer is The Family Dog.
The Family Dog Productions, founded by Chet Helms, a music promoter, was famous for organizing many dances of psychedelic nature at ballrooms in San Francisco. They were quite popular, especially during this era of Summer of Love (1967), and were associated with performers such as Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, and others.
Sociology understands culture as the languages, customs, beliefs, rules, arts, knowledge, and collective identities and memories developed by members of all social groups that make their social environments meaningful.
The answer is: Role Strain
Example of this would be when a supervisor of a company is dating her co- workers.
In such situation, she has two different roles. One is as a boss that has to be strict and have a set of expectation that must be fulfilled by employees. On the other hand, she is also a girlfriend that has to give a full support to his loved one.
When her boyfriend make a mistake in the office, it could create a confusion for her since she's unsure which role she need to assume to deal with it.
En este ensayo, el objetivo principal es enfatizar los datos cualitativos como un medio para comprender la condición de las mujeres y como una forma de ayudar a elaborar planes que las integren en el desarrollo. Los datos cuantitativos pueden dar una imagen de la condición de las mujeres, pero descuidan los parámetros sociales y económicos que determinan la naturaleza y alcance de su participación.En la primera parte de este artículo hay una breve discusión de las conclusiones a las que se llega cuando examinamos la condición. de la mujer en el contexto social y económico y especialmente en las áreas de salud, educación y empleo. Luego de señalar cuáles son los principales obstáculos para una participación más amplia de las mujeres (ej. Complejo de inferioridad frente a los hombres, obstáculos de salud, educativos o legales) se analizarán sus fuentes y consecuencias para la promoción de la mujer. Finalmente,
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance can be referred to as the varying mental state caused by inconsistency between a person's two beliefs or a belief and an action.
It is the state of mind when one is battling with either to do what he believes or to act according to the general belief.
It is actually the state of Inconsistency between beliefs and action, this goes ahead to cause mental stress.
Laine continuous engagement in consuming alcohol even though He knows it's not good for the health, and Him being a smart person that always makes good decision, this contradicting belief from his action is as s result of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. Disagreement between a person's belief and behaviour or action.