Because the exact copy of the parent cell is produced, only one organism is needed for it to occur.
"I will take three nitroglycerin tablets 5 minutes apart, and if I do not have any relief I will seek emergency care immediately."
sublingual nitroglycerin is prescribed to clients with stable or unstable angina to relieve chest pain symptoms.
The client is advised to take up to three tablets of sublingual nitroglycerin 5 minutes apart for relieve of chest pain and if there's no relieve to seek emergency medical care immediately.
P.S: it is advised to take few doses as necessary to relieve pain at the first sign of pain
Potential & Kinetic energy.
The water used gains potential energy overtime before it is converted to mechanical (or kinetic energy). This can be explained by the water having increased potential energy as it flows at an equal altitude, but converting to kinetic energy as it flows downhill, or over the dam.
This kinetic (or mechanical) energy is then converted to traditional electricity. This process is also an example of a renewable resource being utilized for everyday things (such as powering cars, homes. or charging batteries).
The escape velocity of the Earth is about 11 km/s. In other words, anything on the Earth's leading side would fly off into space, continuing along the Earth's orbital path around the sun. ... Without the outward centripetal force to counteract the inward pull of gravity, the Earth would begin falling towards the sun.
Charles Darwin
Natural selection, most famously proposed by Charles Darwin, states that when presented with an environmental challenge, some individuals in a species will develop adaptations to face these challenges. Successful individuals will be more likely to mate and their offspring will inherit these adaptive traits, and will continue to pass for generations.
In this sense, plants face the challenge of the cold. Those that adapt to the cold will survive and reproduce, those that can't adapt to the cold will die. Eventually, only plants that can tolerate the cold will survive.