In the beginning of the story she is a person not accepting of her place in soc ali structure of life. she believed she would be a woman who lives a luxurious lifestyle attending parties where in the best jewelry in the best clothing. Curtis for simple because she was never able to afford any other. she was unhappy as though she had married beneath her. to make his wife happy her husband is able to obtain an invitation to a party. she said she can't go because she doesn't have the clothes or the jewels or address to go. she does purchase address in bars the necklace from a friend then loses the necklace. to replace the necklace they work for 10 years to pay off the multiple loans it took to replace the necklace so basically Madame Louisel realize that the end of the story she realized what it meant to be truly poor. her mindset regarding poverty and what it meant to work changed she also was required to work. in the end she did not only change mentally she also change physically( from the demanding work she had to do. she no longer expects the life of the rich. she realizes she did have a good life when she look back on things the one thing she might have took back was the night of the party if she would not have had to come to know real poverty