It is shown that the animals have human-like intelligence, and as a result chose to leave their home, but I'm not sure if there is enough evidence to prove any theme.
hope this helps
1. The title have a large font that is attractive to people to watch the film.
2. Yes, the title are large.
The actor/actress names are both written in small font.
The film were been appeal to stop the use of drugs
3. The tagline are not visible to viewers, which makes the poster not impressive enough.
The number 3 is everywhere in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy<span>. For one thing, the poem itself is structured according to the rhyme scheme terza rima, which uses stanzas of three lines that employ interlocking rhymes (aba bcb cdc, etc.). Additionally, there are nine circles of Hell (three multiplied by three), Satan has three faces, and three beasts (a lion, a leopard, and a wolf) threaten Dante at the beginning of the Inferno. There are many more examples of three, but the overall important thing to understand is that the number three largely governs the structure of Dante's poem. Indeed, you can think of the number three as the scaffolding on which the rest of the poem's content is hung. This number is significant because three is a central number in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, especially in terms of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). As such, just as the whole of the Christian world is governed by a three-in-one God, Dante's poem is governed by the number three. Thus, Dante's obsession with the number three mirrors the prevalence of three in the Christian tradition. </span><span />