Here is the Hello class:
public class Hello { //class name
private String name; //to store the name
public Hello (String names) //parameterized constructor
{ name = names; }
public void English() { //method to greet user in english
System.out.print("Hello "); //displays Hello on output screen
System.out.print(name); //displays user name
System.out.println("!"); } //displays exclamation mark symbol
public void Spanish(){ //method to greet user in spanish
System.out.print("Hola "); //displays Hello on output screen
System.out.print(name); //displays user name
System.out.println("!"); } //displays exclamation mark symbol
public void French() { //method to greet user in french
System.out.print("Bonjour "); //displays Hello on output screen
System.out.print(name); //displays user name
System.out.println("!"); } } //displays exclamation mark symbol
Here is the HelloTester class:
import java.util.Scanner; //to accept input from user
public class HelloTester { //class name
public static void main (String[]args) { //start of main method
String name; //to store the name of user
Scanner input = new Scanner(; //creates Scanner class object
System.out.println("Enter name?" ); //prompts user to enter name
name = input.nextLine(); //scans and reads the name from user
Hello hello = new Hello(name); //creates Hello class object and calls constructor by passing name
hello.English(); //calls English method using object hello to greet in english
hello.Spanish(); //calls Spanish method using object hello to greet in spanish
hello.French(); } } //calls French method using object hello to greet in french
The output of the program is:
Enter name? user
Hello user! Hola user! Bonjour user!
The screenshot of the program along with its output is attached.