A range check is often used when a person works with data consisting of numbers, dates and times, or currency, ensuring that a number is within a specific range.
- Range checks allow a person to set suitable boundaries.
- An example of a range check is checking to see if the value of a 16-bit integer is within the capacity of a 16-bit integer. When a range check is performed, upper and lower boundaries are specified.
- Range check is a validation check which can be applied to numeric fields. This is done to ensure that only numbers within a certain domain can be entered into a field. Remember that this does not necessarily mean that the data entered will be correct. But it will certainly lie within reasonable limits.
- A method of validation which checks that data falls between an upper and lower acceptable value.
- This validation check which can be applied to numeric fields. This is done to ensure that only numbers within a certain domain can be entered into a field. Remember that this does not necessarily mean that the data entered will be correct. But it will certainly lie within reasonable limits.
Answer below
Maximum transmission unit (MTU)
A maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest packet or frame size that is usually specified in Eight-bit bytes, which can be sent in a packet or frame-based network such as the internet.
Longest Prefix Match
Longest prefix match is an algorithm used by routers in Internet Protocol to lookup the IP prefix that will likely be the terminal point of the next hop from the router.
CIDR and Subnet Mask
CIDR, known in full as Classless inter-domain routing, is a set of IP standards that is used to make customized identifiers for networks and individual devices.
A subnet mask separates the internet protocol (IP) address into the network address and host address.
Switching Fabric
Switching fabric is simply an arrangement of the elements of a communication network also known as network topology, whereby the nodes of the network are seen to interconnect with one or more network switches.
well, as long as there are no right or wrong answers, don't:
look to closely at the screen, as it may mess up your eyes
hold a drink above the computer, as it may spill and cause "sticky keys"
go to sites that you know will give your a computer a virus, cause they cost hundreds of dollars to repair, and some aren't able to come out
go on illegal sites/do illegal operations to the computer itself, because then you won't have a computer
nu it would not but if they call microsoft to check it then yez the history would show up for them but dont try to make it notice able so they dont have to call
Answer:D) peek
Explanation:Peek operation or function is the method that is used for the returning of the values on the front of the queue or stack type datatypes. This operation function over those datatypes having group or collection of the elements and does not eliminate any element from the queue.
NOsuchElemnet exception is shown when there is the peek operation in the queue for the element to be displayed on the top and no deletion can take place .Thus, the correct option is option(D).