Women also wanted to vote because the states need more voters
The answer would be D, push Americans to buy American-made products
Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other territories and peoples.
The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.One example of imperialism is when the British established colonies in North America. The British established thirteen colonies in what is now the United States. The British established these colonies for the benefit of Great Britain. The colonies provided British industries with raw materials and resources.
They were made up.
The Elizabethan Era existed during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the language of the time was much different than today's English language.
Many words used in the Elizabethan language are no longer in use. Other words have replaced them or the original meaning and use of the words are no longer required
An amusing example of words now 'extinct' in the modern English language is 'gong'. The Elizabethan word 'gong' meant dung. The men whose job was to empty and dispose of the waste from the privies (toilets) were called 'Gong Farmer.
The number of words used in the Elizabethan Language were constantly developing during Elizabethan times - their vocabulary was expanding.
The Elizabethan language and vocabulary had not been formalized. New words were being invented. Elizabethan dictionaries were not available. Elizabethan words were therefore written in a variety of different formats.
The roots were found in pacifist beliefs and sometimes even in religious beliefs. People believed that the government was being corrupt and lied about the war motivation. As intellectuals opposed the war, they were soon joined by students who created groups like Students for a Democratic Society, who were instrumental in the antiwar campaign.