i thinks its like 97 or 98 percent
Answer: The Prairies are known as the 'Granaries of the World' due to the huge surplus of wheat production. The soil here contains high humus content which provide required nutrition to the crops. The temperature in the Prairies is also suitable for the growth of food crops.
Radical criminology and peacemaking criminology
Free enterprise is reliant on the regard of property rights, the scattering of data and the manage of law. Free enterprise prompts more noteworthy individual riches which thus prompts requests for majority rules system.
The Economic and social belief system that includes the mix of a fair political framework with an industrialist monetary framework.
The answer is:
The U.S. Government has allowed emerging adults to remain on their parents health insurance until age 26.
Quick information:
Emerging adulthood is a period between 18 to 25. Most identity exploration takes place in emerging adulthood rather than adolescence. In the Western cultures, many young people are no longer adolescents but have not yet fully achieved full independence on adults.