The last Gutenberg Bible sold for 2.2 million.
So, call it 2.2 million in estimate value.
The cat would show how he is worth himself by fighting and showing his loyalty
I agree, but not entirely.
In 1607 the first English colony in America, Jamestown was created. At the beginning the colony depended in Britain for their financial and government needs. However English authorities did not have full control over their colonies in North America.
This opened the way for the colonies to take control at some extend over their economies and self government. It was only after 1700's that British authorities started to impose some control, but it was far too late. Nevertheless The English Legal system was adopted by The American Legal System.
Between 1607 and 1763 colonists of America gained more control of their economy and trade. They developed substantial trade with Native Americans, French, Dutch and Spanish.
By looking at historical evidences, it is apparent that the political and economic dependence of the Americans on the British fluctuated throughout the course of American colonial history.
Finally since the creation of the first British colony in 1607, and until the end of "The seven years' war" in 1763, American colonies gained essential control of their economy and political institutions.
The War Production Board (WPB) was an agency of the United States government that supervised war production during World War II. The WPB replaced the Supply Priorities and Allocation Board and the Office of Production Management.