The answer is b
<h2>Further explanation
The Contemporized-Themes Concerning Blacks Test or commonly abbreviated as C-TCB is a test that is seen from a cultural measure that describes the social, interpersonal and intrapersonal situations experienced by most communities in Africa-America. This test has 27 views that illustrate several themes including motivation or individual autonomy, media portrayals of blacks or African-Americans, teenage pregnancy, single care, institutionalized race, drug abuse, and the implications of HIV or AIDS. The administrator chooses a card for administration. The thematic content of each card is rated based on the ranking of eight personality traits and nine affective statuses. And each personality trait is assessed on a five-point scale, and affective status is assessed on a four-point scale.
The Thematic Apperception Test, commonly abbreviated as TAT, was created to identify impulses, sentiments, complexities, emotions and personality conflicts used to get a better understanding of the client to avoid misunderstandings when doing C-TCB. An alternative form of TAT is designed to be used with African-Americans with normative data or little research gathered together. The aim is to collect additional normative C-TCB data by comparing the length of the story and the emotional tone of African-American respondents. Despite only having a small sample size 32 very significant differences are seen in the length of the story and the emotional tone released by African-Americans. The results of linear regression do not support the hypothesis that racial identity as measured by BRIAS will predict the length of the story or emotional tone. This research shows that the results of this study can vary when given a special culture test that requires further research in this field.
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Class: High School
Subject: Social studies
Keyword: The Contemporized-Themes Concerning Blacks Test