Intolerable acts.
There were 4 acts that King George III issued on Massachusetts, reason?
For throwing all that tea at the Boston Tea Party.
The three-fifths compromise stated that an enslaved African American would count as three-fifths of a person when determining how many representatives each state would have by population.
When the president appoints judges to serve in federal courts, they can remain on the bench for how long they wish. According to the "good behavior" principle, the only exception exists if a Congressional impeachment takes place (which is very rare). The lifetime appointment has its pros and cons:
- Judges' decisions are free from political pressure since they're not worried about whether they'll be reelected.
- The longer he/she spends on the bench allows them to develop a greater knowledge regarding the law and specific cases before them.
- Judges appointed for life might get comfortable and start creating their own laws from the bench.
- These judges under lifetime appointment are often subjected to bribes (political favors) and corruption.
their will be lack of want for the society