Presidential - a system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature (to which it is generally not accountable).
When the name of an anion that is part of a salt ends in -ite, the acid name includes the suffix -ous acid.
B. maintain the cities
The numerical religion defended the existence of a group of divine beings that governed the entire universe, looked like human beings, but were gods and lived in the pantheon. These beings were immortal and created human beings, who, although mortal, had as their main function to be responsible for the maintenance and organization of cities, where the gods could transit and do their works, even if invisible to human beings.
Im sorry
Okay have you thoughr about
The stock market goes up, the world is good. The more liquidity for business, for liquidity for investors. You pull that mobile down, not as good because now all of a sudden we feel a little less happy, bankers, investors are a little more concerned, things tighten up.
The answer is D. It's all supply and demand. What the people want, and who can provide it the quickest and nicest way possible.
Hope I Helped. :)